Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday - 10th Grade Classwork and Homework

10-1 and 10-2


I'm so happy that you guys are caught up to each other.  In class today, we read our "Where I'm From" poems.  I was so impressed with all of you.  Then, we commented on each poem.


Revise your "Where I'm From" poem and type it.  Bring it to class on Monday so I can create a class book of poetry.

You should begin your projects.

If you owe me a "Where I'm From" reading, come ready on Monday.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday - 10th Grade Classwork and Homework

10-1 and 10-2

Today, we went over your final project for the poetry unit.  I will give you a hard copy tomorrow, but for now, it is under "documents" on this site.



We discussed "Where I'm From" poems.  We filled out the questionnaire (also in "documents" and discussed our answers.


Bring a rough draft to class tomorrow.
I will still offer extra credit for anyone who comments on "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid


We did a free write "Are men and women under the same pressure to look 'perfect?'  What does perfect look like?"  Then, we discussed "boring" words (sad, good, etc.) and came up with specific, interesting synonyms.  Next, we read the poem "Same Song" in the textbook.  Write down the word that strikes you the most, and write down the allusion in the poem.  

We filled out the personal questionnaire to start our "Where I'm From" poems.


Draft your "Where I'm From" poem in your notebook.  You must have it tomorrow.

If you like, I will give 5 mini points for anyone who reads "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid and comments on it on this site.

Thursday - 9th Grade Homework

Read page 420 and answer questions 1-6
Read ten pages of your biography and take notes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday - 10th Grade Homework and Classwork


Freewrite: What is your favorite thing to wear?
Define: "ode"
Read: "Ode to My Socks" by Pablo Neruda
List: all similes and metaphors
What do they mean?
What is the "moral of this ode?"

Homework: Write your own ode. I will collect it, for points, tomorrow.


Choose a "boring" word (nice, good, etc.) and come up with as many specific, interesting synonyms as possible.
Freewrite: Are men and women under the same pressure to look "perfect?" What does "perfect" look like?
Read: "Same Song" by Pat Mora
Choose the most important, specific words in the poem.
Find the allusion.
Describe your routine, using the most detail and most specific words you can.

Homework: finish your description. For extra credit, read "Girl" and respond to it on this site.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday - 9th Grade Homework

9-1 and 9-2

Tonight, please read at least ten pages of the biography of your poet.

Tuesday - 10th Grade Classwork and Homework


10-1 and 10-2

Benchmark analysis.  If you were absent, copy the statistics into your notebook from a friend.



Your sheets on "Ex Basketball Player" are due tomorrow for a grade.


Your odes are due tomorrow on separate sheets of paper.  Come prepared to read.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday - 10th Grade Classwork and Homework



Write about your favorite piece of clothing and how it makes you feel.
Define the word "ode."
Read "Ode To My Socks" by Pablo Neruda on page 498
If you want to hear this poem read, go here.
List the metaphors and similes, and explain what they mean.
How does the speaker feel about his socks? his feet?
Why does he eventually wear the socks?
What do you think "the moral of this ode" is?


Write an ode to a common object. You must use one simile or metaphor, as well as one instance of either rhyme, assonance, or alliteration. This is due, for a grade, on Wednesday.



Free write on the question "Do sports prepare high school students for real life? Why or Why not?" Then, find the definitions of "jargon" and "slang."
Then, read the poem "Ex-Basketball Player" on page 519 in your textbook.

Finish the group work we started in class. Pick ONE stanza, write the meter pattern for ONE line (stressed/unstressed,) identify and label literary devices, identify all jargon and slang, write who you think the speaker of the poem is, write what you think the setting of the poem is, write what you think the tone of the poem is, and write what you think a theme of the poem is.

Monday - 9th Grade Homework

Your biography of a poet is due.

Do the Quickwrite on page 418.

Read the rest of page 418.

Define "haiku" and read the haiku on page 417.

Compose your own haiku.

About Me

New York, United States
I am a substitute teacher, tutor, and adjunct instructor. Areas of interest include urban and nontraditional education, literacy studies, language access issues, and social philosophies of education